Physical education in Hanover County enables students to acquire the knowledge, processes, and skills they need to engage in meaningful physical activity, both presently and as they develop. Our physical education instruction encourages individual enjoyment, physical challenge, personal satisfaction, and health-enhancing fitness.
Mrs. Julie Hudnall, P.E. Teacher
Physical Education at BPES
Physical education at Battlefield Park Elementary School provides students opportunities to learn basic manipulative and movement principles. These instructional activities promote an active lifestyle. Students participate in a range of activities that promote physical, mental, emotional, and social growth, shaping them into more influential members of the community. At BPES, we challenge students to focus on being team players through communication and teamwork and encourage them to find solutions using the problem-solving model.
To encourage healthy lifestyle choices and healthy living, we introduce students to basic health principles. Most importantly, students actively engage in movement throughout the class. Students must wear appropriate footwear and clothing to ensure a safe learning environment for all students.
Here are some of the curriculum and activities our students will be covering during physical education at BPES: